The Paxiom Group is proud to announce its newest member, ValTara SRL.

January 19, 2019
January 19, 2019 Thiru

Valtara facility office image
Based in Schio, Italy; ValTara brings its founder Louis Taraborelli full circle having started his career in Italy over 40 years ago as a importer distributor in America of some of the largest Italian packaging brands at the time.

Having recently moved into its wholly owned 20 thousand square foot facility, ValTara will focus on new product development as well as it’s SleekWrapper brand of flow wrapping machinery, end of line container handling and automatic case loading.

ValTara has already begun making key local acquisitions that will further compliment Paxiom’s already robust product line as well as provide a European base for future growth.

Paxiom Group will co-locate within ValTara premises with a full blown showroom of machines built from our other global facilities and begin sales and service activities in Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Middle East and Africa.

Our international customers can rely on Paxiom to sell, install and service our products on a global level.

More investment and acquisitions will be announced over the course of 2019.

Paxiom Group Inc.

ValTara S.R.L
Via Lago di Alleghe,
15 36015 SCHIO (VI)
Tel No: +39 445 576 224
ValTaratec Logo